Gyroscopic Instruments



The rugged 3-inch Electric Artificial Horizon is a direct reading instrument indicating the pitch and roll attitude. Its operational range is through 360° both in pitch and roll. There is a field of controlled precession at pitch attitudes exceeding ±70°. The primary display component is a spherical surface with a scale providing for pitch attitude indication within ±20°. On reaching this limit, a window in the display surface opens and a digital pitch angle presentation is displayed up to a value of ±70°. The roll attitude is indicated on a roll attitude scale up to ±90°. The instrument is provided with a caging gear, with an aircraft symbol (with position adjustable between +10° and –7° of pitch attitude) and with visual malfunction indication. All instruments are offered to comply with customer’s specification and are mounted for easy servicing. The display corresponds with viewing the earth’s surface from an aircraft. There is also a version with an illuminated instrument face (supply voltage: 5, 14, 28 VDC - according to customer requirements). This instrument fulfills the requirements and methodology rules TSO – C4c and RTCA/DO – 160C. Military version is also available. Don't hesitate to contact us with your inquiry.




The rugged 3-inch Electric Artificial Horizon is a direct reading instrument indicating pitch and roll attitude. Its operational range is through 360° both in pitch and roll. There is a field of controlled precession at pitch attitudes exceeding ±70°. The primary display component is a spherical surface with a scale providing for pitch attitude indication within ±20°. On reaching this limit, a window in the display surface opens and a digital pitch angle presentation is displayed up to a value of ±70°. The roll attitude is indicated on a roll attitude scale up to ±90°. The instrument is provided with a caging gear, with an aircraft symbol (with position adjustable between +10° and –7° of pitch attitude) and with visual malfunction indication. All instruments are offered to comply with customer’s specifications and are mounted for easy servicing. The display corresponds with viewing the earth’s surface from an aircraft. This version has a built-in battery backup to ensure preservation of function even after the power supply has been lost for at least 50 minutes. There is also a version with an illuminated instrument face (supply voltage: 5, 14, 28 VDC - according to customer requirements). This instrument fulfills the requirements and methodology rules TSO – C4c and RTCA/DO – 160C. Don't hesitate to contact us with your inquiry.




The Turn Indicator is an instrument measuring an angular velocity within ±3°/s of the aircraft vertical axis which corresponds to parameters of the turn performed at speed of 190 kts (350 km/h) at a bank of 45°. The Turn Indicator incorporates a liquid level indicating a slip during the turn. Reaching the gyro’s operating speed is indicated by the OFF sign on the turn indicator dial disappearing. The deflection greater than corresponding to an angular velocity of ±4°/s is limited by a dead stop. The instrument is manufactured in version coordinator too. There is also a version with an illuminated instrument face (supply voltage: 5, 14, 28 VDC - according to customer requirements). This instrument fulfills the requirements and methodology rules TSO – C3d and RTCA/DO – 160D. Don't hesitate to contact us with your inquiry.



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